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Tag: Yoga retreat

Top 5 Tips for Yoga Class

July 25, 2019

Top 5 Tips for Yoga Class

Top 5 Tips for Yoga Class – Yoga classes require the complete engagement of the mind, heart, and body. It consists of high concentration, breathing, bending and twisting. It’s no wonder that mistakes happen while performing these moves even for experienced yogis alike. Some of these mistakes might make you feel uncomfortable and can actually...

Top 5 Yoga Meal Ideas

July 17, 2019

Top 5 Yoga Meal Ideas

What you eat before you take action in your yoga classes may have a significant impact when you’re in the middle of your stretches. The difference can make you either have a blissed-out experience or feel like having a rock in your belly that weighs you down. Here are the top 5 yoga meal ideas...

Importance of Yoga in Pregnancy

July 10, 2019

Importance of Yoga in Pregnancy

Lots of changes occur in the body once women go through pregnancy, which may create stress both physically and mentally for the soon mother to be’s. Yoga in pregnancy is a good idea to maintain a healthy mind and body. Prenatal Yoga may help a pregnant woman develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for more...

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

June 13, 2019

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you are new to yoga, there are a number of basic yoga poses to get familiar with. During your first yoga class, you’ll probably be looking around to see if everyone else can get into their postures. This is completely fine as you acquaint yourself with this new exercise. However, for you to feel...

I Tried Yoga…..Once

February 26, 2019

I Tried Yoga…..Once

As a yoga teacher, I hear this one a lot. I’m on a plane or eating in a cafe and a friendly person next to me strikes up a conversation. Inevitably, the question comes up, “What do you do?”  When telling someone I am a yoga teacher in Dallas, I get many common responses. Most...

The Power of Your Own Mat

February 14, 2019

The Power of Your Own Mat

My journey into having my own mat was a long one. I only purchased a mat for when I was traveling and didn’t know if the studios I visited would have a good quality “borrow” mat. When I went to my home yoga studio in Dallas, I still borrowed theirs. Why not? They are free...

Seva Yoga

December 3, 2018

Seva Yoga

When we think of Yoga, we often think of the physical practice and benefits that are often found in a Yoga Studio or Online. However, we typically miss out on learning about a practice of Yoga that doesn’t need to involve a Single Yoga Pose or Stretchy Pants: Seva Yoga. What is Seva Yoga? Seva...