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Category: Yoga

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

June 13, 2019

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you are new to yoga, there are a number of basic yoga poses to get familiar with. During your first yoga class, you’ll probably be looking around to see if everyone else can get into their postures. This is completely fine as you acquaint yourself with this new exercise. However, for you to feel...

I Tried Yoga…..Once

February 26, 2019

I Tried Yoga…..Once

As a yoga teacher, I hear this one a lot. I’m on a plane or eating in a cafe and a friendly person next to me strikes up a conversation. Inevitably, the question comes up, “What do you do?”  When telling someone I am a yoga teacher in Dallas, I get many common responses. Most...

The Power of Your Own Mat

February 14, 2019

The Power of Your Own Mat

My journey into having my own mat was a long one. I only purchased a mat for when I was traveling and didn’t know if the studios I visited would have a good quality “borrow” mat. When I went to my home yoga studio in Dallas, I still borrowed theirs. Why not? They are free...

Healthy Holidays

December 10, 2018

Healthy Holidays

The healthy holidays are here, and for some of us this is a joyful time filled with happy memories and embracing the simple pleasures of family, friends and celebration.  For some of us these days bring shadows of the past and a feeling of pressure to “put on a happy face”. Whatever your experience of...