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Tag: Yoga

Enhancing Every Movement: The Role of Flexibility and Mobility

February 12, 2024

Enhancing Every Movement: The Role of Flexibility and Mobility

Look at pictures of yoga practitioners online, and you could be forgiven for thinking that flexibility is a prerequisite for yoga. Believe us when we tell you – it’s not. In reality, countless seasoned practitioners started their yoga practice to improve flexibility and mobility. Both flexibility and mobility are crucial for healthy movement, whether you’re...

Benefits of Sound Bath & Gong Meditation

August 12, 2019

Benefits of Sound Bath & Gong Meditation

Gong meditation is a unique sound practice involving vibrations and therapeutic gong sounds for healing. The practice consists of “gong baths” as participants meditate. There are therapeutic benefits of this practice that include awareness and appreciation of the present time. It is based on a belief that vibrations can change consciousness, as the healing waves...

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

June 13, 2019

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you are new to yoga, there are a number of basic yoga poses to get familiar with. During your first yoga class, you’ll probably be looking around to see if everyone else can get into their postures. This is completely fine as you acquaint yourself with this new exercise. However, for you to feel...

The Power of Your Own Mat

February 14, 2019

The Power of Your Own Mat

My journey into having my own mat was a long one. I only purchased a mat for when I was traveling and didn’t know if the studios I visited would have a good quality “borrow” mat. When I went to my home yoga studio in Dallas, I still borrowed theirs. Why not? They are free...