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Four-Step Guide for Yoga to Transition into Fall Season

November 20, 2019

The Vata season is now officially upon us. It is the time of the year when we see dramatic changes in our body as it tries to adjust to the shifting environmental conditions. Preparing a more balanced ‘yoga into fall season’ practice is essential than ever before as we try to harmonize our body with the season’s natural rhythm and the physiological effects of the shorter days and longer nights.

Yoga for Fall Season

This four-step guide adheres to the strict Ayurvedic principles that help us achieve a more delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit while also optimizing our overall health and well-being.

Step 1 – Heat

As the weather becomes colder with fall and winter approaching, we have to balance everything out through heat. We suffer stiff joints due to poor blood circulation in the extremities as our pain receptors become more sensitive in cold weather. With these things in mind, it is necessary that we keep our body warm to let blood circulate freely. Any yoga instructor in Dallas would suggest ideal heating postures such as the Utkasana, the Virabhadrasana II or the Surya Namaskara A/B.

Step 2 – Energize

As we experience longer nights, we are more likely to stay indoors as our natural tendency to hibernate kicks in. Sure, it is a good time to huddle under the blanket and grab a cup of tea but surely, we all need some energizing and uplifting postures to help us get out of our sluggishness and fatigue. Backbending poses such as Salabhasana (locust), Ustrasana (camel), and Dhanurasana (bow pose) are effective ways to lift us up when our energy is low and relieve our depression when we’re feeling down.

Step 3 – Detoxify

We are more likely to catch a cold or flu when we spend more time indoors instead of being more active. Inversions and forward folds boost our immune system and flush the accumulated toxins out from our body. A very effective way to reinvigorate our body with fresh, oxygenated blood is through Salamba Sarvangasana (supported shoulder stand), Salamba Shirshasana (supported headstand) or Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged forward fold) poses. Reversing the flow of blood and fluids helps to aid in the detoxification process to maintain health. If practicing inversions for the first time, please seek professional instruction. Many Dallas Yoga centers have restorative classes where you can find assistance in adding these into your practice.

Step 4 – Restore

The best yoga classes in Dallas emphasize the importance of embracing the yin energy of autumn with the restorative postures of the Supta Baddakonasana (reclined bound angle), Viparita Karani (legs up the wall), or Savasana poses. These poses help clear out not only our body but also our mind, thereby allowing our nervous system to relax. We can actually do these restorative poses on our own without having to go for exclusive yoga retreats in Dallas or anywhere else.

Want to learn more advanced techniques and poses? Visit Uptown Yoga as they provide the best classes in Dallas with a variety of lessons suited to fit our needs and preferences.

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