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Tag: uptown yoga

Getting Fit on a Busy Schedule: Time-Saving Tips and Tricks for Your Yoga Practice

March 19, 2024

Getting Fit on a Busy Schedule: Time-Saving Tips and Tricks for Your Yoga Practice

How fit are you? We’re not asking you to look in the mirror but rather to think about how easy or hard it’s been to make time for exercise lately. Even with the best of intentions, it’s not always straightforward to balance a busy work and family schedule, let alone fit in exercise. Still, most...

Five Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Upper Body

February 24, 2024

Five Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Upper Body

Mention yoga and most people, including seasoned practitioners, think about flexibility, mobility, mindfulness, and perhaps even meditation. But have you considered adapting your yoga practice to develop strength? We’re not suggesting you turn into a bodybuilder. Instead, we want to devote this blog to looking at asanas from a different angle with upper body strength...

Enhancing Every Movement: The Role of Flexibility and Mobility

February 12, 2024

Enhancing Every Movement: The Role of Flexibility and Mobility

Look at pictures of yoga practitioners online, and you could be forgiven for thinking that flexibility is a prerequisite for yoga. Believe us when we tell you – it’s not. In reality, countless seasoned practitioners started their yoga practice to improve flexibility and mobility. Both flexibility and mobility are crucial for healthy movement, whether you’re...