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Category: Uptown Yoga

Anxiety, Sleep, and Inner Calm: The Benefits of Yoga Nidra Meditations

January 20, 2024

Anxiety, Sleep, and Inner Calm: The Benefits of Yoga Nidra Meditations

How have you been sleeping lately? Over the holiday season, most of us lose a bit of sleep whether it’s due to attending parties, stressing over presents, or making arrangements for family visits. With 2024 now fully underway, it’s time to get (back) on track and create a better sleep routine. Yoga Nidra meditations can...

Backbending Benefits: Explore the Rewarding Effects of Arching Your Spine

November 30, 2023

Backbending Benefits: Explore the Rewarding Effects of Arching Your Spine

Are you sitting comfortably? We hope so. Or perhaps you’re reading this having just returned from a beautiful autumn walk? Neither of those two would be possible without a strong and flexible spine. Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of taking our backs for granted, yoga instructors included. We assume all is well until we...