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From Mat to Motherhood: How Yoga Influences Fertility

September 15, 2024

pregnant mom doing yoga

Seasoned practitioners will tell you that the benefits of yoga are (almost) endless: reduced stress levels, improved flexibility and strength, and a calmer approach to challenging days are just a few advantages. But what about fertility? In this blog, we explore if and how practicing yoga can help you on your journey to parenthood. 

Can Yoga Increase Fertility? 

Infertility or difficulty conceiving is one of the most common health problems in the United States. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that nearly one in five married women struggle to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term. 

There are plenty of causes of infertility in men and women, and we’d always encourage you to speak to your doctor first if you’re struggling to conceive. Still, there is research suggesting that practicing yoga can increase your chances of getting pregnant. 

Yoga has been linked to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms, especially in men. In women, integrating yoga and mindfulness practice into a complex fertility treatment plan is showing promising results. 

Which Yoga Poses Support Your Journey to Motherhood

Practicing yoga can support your journey to motherhood or fatherhood by improving circulation, lowering your stress levels, and in women, increasing flexibility in your hips and pelvic area. Here is a selection of poses that are easy to integrate into your daily practice. 

1. Back Rolls

Back rolls are a great pose to integrate into your warm-up. They help you stretch your spine and relax your hips. When it comes to improving fertility, back rolls stimulate circulation around your reproductive organs and massage them. 

Start by lying on your mat with your back in a neutral position and hug your knees into your chest. Holding your knees gently, start moving them in a circle from the left to the right. Remember to breathe and repeat ten to 15 times.  

2. Cobra Pose

cobra pose of yoga

The cobra pose is another stimulating pose that encourages blood flow to the center of your body. Start facedown with your legs extended and ankles placed together. Your hips, legs, and the tops of your feet should be pressed into the floor. Place your hands on the ground next to your shoulders. 

On an inhalation, lift your chest and pull your shoulder blades back. Your hands can gently support you but take care not to put too much pressure on your lower back. Hold for a few breaths and release using your arms as a support. Repeat a handful of times.

3. Cat & Cow Pose

Stretching the muscles surrounding your reproductive organs can also increase your chances of getting pregnant. Practicing cat & cow pose allows you to gently open this area of your body ready for deeper movements. 

Start on all fours with your knees directly below your hips and your wrists and elbows stacked below your shoulders. Inhale and arch your back into cow pose, allowing your belly to drop to the floor. Exhale and round your spine like a cat would. Flow back and forth between both poses, always connecting your movement to your breath. Repeat around ten times. 

4. Malasana or Garland Pose

Malasana is another pose that helps improve flexibility. Start this deep squat with your feet as far apart as the mat. Inhale deeply and bring your hands together in front of your heart. Exhale as you lower your body into a deep squat, trying to keep your feet flat on the mat and slightly pivoted out. You can use your elbows to encourage your thighs and hips to open. 

Lengthen your torso and keep your back as straight as possible. Hold for a few breaths and return to standing on an inhale. Repeat a few times.  

5. Viparita Karani or Legs Up on the Wall Pose

If you’re looking to conceive, restorative poses should be an essential part of your yoga practice. Viprita Karani combines multiple benefits. If you spend most of your day at a desk or standing, this pose encourages blood flow from your feet to your vital organs and allows you to relax your lower back. 

Start with your mat against the wall. Sit as close to the wall as possible, before lowering your upper body on the mat and lifting your legs against the wall. Stretch your legs against the wall and move toward a 90-degree angle. Stay in this pose, breathe, and let your torso melt onto your mat. Try to relax your pelvic area, too. If it feels comfortable, stay here for anything between five and 15 minutes. 

Remember to Check with Your Doctor

Difficulty conceiving can have many causes, and while yoga may support your journey to parenthood, it’s just as important to speak to your doctor to find the most effective approach.

When it comes to choosing yoga classes at Uptown Yoga, look for slower options or more restorative classes. Your body will thank you for it. And don’t forget, some of our instructors specialize in offering pregnancy yoga classes. They’ll be happy to help you on your journey.

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